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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Barrington RI - My home town. > pbase Blount Seafood Processing Plant November 24_DSC2666.jpg
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pbase Blount Seafood Processing Plant November 24_DSC2666.jpg

Brr.. still very cold, actually knew the light would be spectacular -

Even the dogs are not to happy to be outside - and its only November.

Nikon D700
1/320s f/9.0 at 85.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Johnny JAG26-Nov-2008 21:56
Lovely light indeed.
Sheila25-Nov-2008 04:31
Stunning, Joan.
The smoke is foul but it adds so much to the shot.
Katie Chew24-Nov-2008 21:59
Great shot. V
Breland24-Nov-2008 20:48
Beautiful morning sky Joan. Good use of the light.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography24-Nov-2008 20:43
Excellent capture, Vote.
laine8224-Nov-2008 20:06
Seems it's going to be a long one, Joan. An interesting light in that sky.
JW24-Nov-2008 18:53
Stunning composition.
Meggi Raeder24-Nov-2008 16:46
Great light and colors - despite the dreadful emissioins,
Bryan Murahashi24-Nov-2008 16:00
Beautiful capture of the rising colors. V
Gayle P. Clement24-Nov-2008 15:58
The light is really beautiful.
royalld24-Nov-2008 14:16
Beauty can be found everywhere, if we just look at the right time.
Guest 24-Nov-2008 14:06
Great shot, think the smoke and clouds make it look 3d. V
Faye White24-Nov-2008 13:54
beautiful light playing on the smoke/steam cloud.