Thank you so much for stopping and leaving such wonderful messages regarding my frost pictures. In stopping here I noticed you are a star gazer. On Tuesday I came across a photographer with similar interests - thought you may be interested:
Thanks again - may you have great peace in your adventures, brent
Thank you for your kind comments to my film based pictures. It is good to see somebody thousands of kilometers away is enyoing them.
I looked at your galleries and am quite amazed to see the very good quality film-based pictures of the stars. They are beautifull! It must be quite a challenge to do this with a Pentax 6x7.
Very nice indeed to find you out there. I was sure that there must be at least one or two other 67 enthusiasts around!
I am still looking through your work, so far, the Pleiades and the lunar image with the 67 as well as the Water Cannon and Edge of Reason (probably my favorite of your work that I have looked at carefully. I bet it’s magnificent viewed on the actual film!!) images are particularly nice.
Anyway, I added you to my favorite artists group so that I can easily keep up as you add new work.