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Jay Levin25-Feb-2025 04:59
Wonderful bird gallery. I especially loved your pileateds,
Jean Chiasson11-Jun-2015 23:56
Allo JY ce fut agréable pour moi aussi et bonne continuation
Jean Chiasson11-Jun-2015 22:54
Merci JY pour l`info
pacs22-May-2015 18:46
Beautiful galleries.
janice_hurlburt30-Jun-2012 14:58
Wonderful photos, Jean-Yves. Thanks.
Jean-Denis Poulin 25-Nov-2011 15:50
Salut! Jean-Yves

J'ai fait le tour de tes photos d'oiseaux et je les trouve toutes très belles. Bravo c'est un merveilleux loisir que tu pratiques très bien.
Paul Dechêne 04-May-2011 14:47
Très belles tes photos. Je croyais que personne n'avait vu de harfang cette année
Bob Snyder10-Apr-2011 14:30
Very nice images Jean-Yves! Great composition and colors. You must spend a lot of time observing birds to anticipate their behavior.

marko gregoric02-Jan-2011 07:14
I love your galleries. Your birds are awesome. Outstanding colors and composition. Fantastic work!
Lise De Serres19-Jul-2010 18:28
Bonjour jean-Yves,

Je vois que tu es revenu des Îles, comment a été ton séjour là-bas?? Est-ce que les macareux étaient nombreux et assez accessibles pour la photo?

photodocsj29-Mar-2010 00:11
Thank you for the comments that you were kind enough to leave me
on my bird gallery. You too are a skilled and careful photographer james
Guest 28-Mar-2010 18:47
Thanks for your kind comments, it's allways fune to look in your galleries!
Guest 27-Mar-2010 19:56
Bonjour Jean-Yves, Tres belles photos, super intéressant. Hélène Laperrière
Guest 25-Mar-2010 00:45
Great work yourself! =)
Robert Houde28-Feb-2010 23:35
De très belles photos Jean-Yves, félicitations.
robertoparmiggiani10-Feb-2010 19:05
Great work
Jean Chiasson03-Nov-2009 00:15
Salut Jean-Yves je suis très content de l'avoir photographier en ci peu de temps
Guest 31-Jul-2009 20:58
On voit que vous aimez les oiseaux, du très bon travail ! bravo et bonne continuation !!
A bientôt,

nicolebouglouan21-Mar-2009 21:09
Quelles belles galeries! Je les ai visitées avec grand plaisir et j'y reviendrai, c'est superbe! Les rapaces sont très beaux, mais les passereaux ne sont pas en reste. J'ai beaucoup aimé. Bravo et merci pour toutes ces photos!
Curt Knaus17-Feb-2009 00:44
Hi Jean-Yves,
Thank you for your nice comment on my eagle gallery. You have some great galleries here!
I especially liked your snowy owl gallery, very nice indeed. I'll check back soon.
Best wishes
Ted Busby07-Jan-2009 00:23
Hi Jean-Yves;

Thank you for your visit and all your great comments...Added you to my favorites.
Guest 18-Dec-2008 04:25
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year , to you and your family !
Linda17-Dec-2008 01:30
Thank you for the visit to my Feathery Friends Gallery and for the much appreciated comments. I am truly inspired by your stunning bird galleries and I will keep visiting.
Wishing you a Merry Quebec Christmas. Cheers from Linda
Victoria15-Jul-2008 15:29
Gorgeous gallery, beautiful nature
Guest 15-Jun-2008 13:54
Thanks for the nice comments, much appreciated! I haven't seen all your shots yet but you have some really amazing pictures and I will keep visiting, great work!

photodocsj26-Apr-2008 21:05
Thanks for stopping by to look at my bird gallery. One day I hope to be able to match some of the photographs that you have managed to capture. You are a fantastic birder. photodocsj
Paolo Giallonardo14-Feb-2008 18:30
Hi Jean-Yves, many thanks for kind comments to my photos. You have beautiful images in your gallery. My favourites snowy owl.
Josée Normandeau01-Feb-2008 19:55
Bonjour Jean-Yves! Belle collection d'images!
Ulf Ståhle30-Jan-2008 20:37
Nice bird galleries, looks as we have got some of these birds in common. Thanks for your nice comment on my Peregrine image.
Guest 19-Jan-2008 17:13
Great Gallery