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Welcome to ImageMakers! ImageMakers is a Photography club that meets in Blue Springs, Missouri and is comprised of photographers of all experience levels. The goals of ImageMakers are to share knowledge, expand opportunities for our members, make friends and of course, to have fun! Our monthly club meetings are held from 1p to 3p on the second Saturday of each month at St. Robert Bellarmine Church, 4313 SW Hwy 7, here in Blue Springs.

Enjoy our Member galleries!

Meeting Programs
Meeting Programs
Monthly Themes
Monthly Themes
ImageMakers Outings
ImageMakers Outings
 Don Bergeron
Don Bergeron
Tom Brison - In Memorium
Tom Brison - In Memorium
Rex Brown
Rex Brown
Joe Carle
Joe Carle
Brian Compton
Brian Compton
Lawrence Dixon
Lawrence Dixon
Pete Doyle
Pete Doyle
Ron Fornelli
Ron Fornelli
Bruce Fox
Bruce Fox
Carolyn Fox
Carolyn Fox
Bob Gillespie
Bob Gillespie
Stephen Grimm
Stephen Grimm
Linda Hanley - In Memorium
Linda Hanley - In Memorium
Dennis Hedberg
Dennis Hedberg
Vicki Hedberg - In Memorium
Vicki Hedberg - In Memorium
Mike Jenkins
Mike Jenkins
Mike Lewis
Mike Lewis
Larry Luzynski
Larry Luzynski
Tom Mallot
Tom Mallot
Jack Martin
Jack Martin
Bill Merrell
Bill Merrell
John Mooneyhan
John Mooneyhan
Guy Norris
Guy Norris
Terry Norris
Terry Norris
Ingrid Palmore
Ingrid Palmore
Michael Radloff
Michael Radloff
Steve Sage
Steve Sage
Daniel Slayton
Daniel Slayton
Shirley Slayton
Shirley Slayton
Jim Shepard
Jim Shepard
Patricia Smith
Patricia Smith
Liesl Snyder
Liesl Snyder
Steve Spilker
Steve Spilker
Forest Stewart
Forest Stewart
Jana Stoebick
Jana Stoebick
Sharon Takade
Sharon Takade
Rick Wilhoit
Rick Wilhoit
Tim Williams
Tim Williams
Photography Weblinks
Photography Weblinks
Member Forum
Member Forum