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Liz's Online Photo Galleries

This is my root gallery. From here you can browse any of my public galleries. All of my images have preserved EXIF and I always try to document the location and circumstances of each photo, as well as anything else interesting or unusual. This helps me to become a better photographer and also improves my observation skills, as well as hopefully giving my visitors something interesting to read. All of my bird photos are of wild birds, unless otherwise noted.

If you leave me a message or comment, I'll do my best to return the favor! As always, I'm happy to answer any questions. Thanks for visiting! Also feel free to check out my Instagram at @lizmstanley. You can watch my backyard feeder live stream on YouTube.

Liz's Favorites
gallery: Liz's Favorites
My Backyard
gallery: My Backyard
gallery: Colombia
Costa Rica
gallery: Costa Rica
Texas Hill Country
gallery: Texas Hill Country
BC Hummingbirds
gallery: BC Hummingbirds
Michigan UP Waterfalls and Macro
gallery: Michigan UP Waterfalls and Macro
Rowe Sanctuary NE
gallery: Rowe Sanctuary NE
SW Florida 2013
gallery: SW Florida 2013
UGA Honors Field Geology/Interdisciplinary Field Program: 1988 - 2018
gallery: UGA Honors Field Geology/Interdisciplinary Field Program: 1988 - 2018
Hyland Park Preserve
gallery: Hyland Park Preserve
Sax Zim Bog
gallery: Sax Zim Bog
gallery: Minnesota
Georgia-Florida Trip
gallery: Georgia-Florida Trip
Alaska 2007
gallery: Alaska 2007
Wren Guard
gallery: Wren Guard
Photos of Liz
gallery: Photos of Liz
gallery: Weightlifting
Houston (MN) Owl Festival
gallery: Houston (MN) Owl Festival
gallery: Wisconsin
gallery: Cats
Upper Midwest Eagle Safari 2007
gallery: Upper Midwest Eagle Safari 2007
Woodpecker Marathon
gallery: Woodpecker Marathon
gallery: Lenses
Beginning Boundary Waters trip
gallery: Beginning Boundary Waters trip
gallery: Softball
gallery: st_paul
gallery: Iowa
Necedah National Wildlife Refuge
gallery: Necedah National Wildlife Refuge
Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge
gallery: Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge
gallery: crex_meadows
gallery: Rescue
Minnesota Master Naturalist
gallery: Minnesota Master Naturalist
Misc images
gallery: Misc images
Hawk Ridge
gallery: Hawk Ridge
Sparrow Workshop
gallery: Sparrow Workshop
gallery: Vegas